Yassine Ellil & Rym Jaafra in LectorInFabula-2018

Rym & Yassine with an young artist who drew their portrait

The LectorInFabula Festival 2018 #Linf18 – was happy to host the two Tunisian comics artist – Rym Jaafra and Yassine Ellil – who hold a laboratory, organised by the center LIBREXPRESSION with young boys and girls (6 to 11 years old) on how to prepare a comic journal, which encoutered a great success, thanks also to Ilaria Guidantoni, journalist and writer, who ensured the intepretation from French to Italian.

Some images of the workshop:

Yassine and Rym, hold such worshops, since 2015, in their home city of Tunis in their “Club Couscous”, while producing their own comics. Yassine published he first comic book in 2011: “Good bye ben Ali” in 2 volumes. Then in 2014 he published a bilingual fantastic story “Monstres fantastiques Tunisiens”, both coloured by Rym who herself prepare a comic book (on which we shall report when published). Since 2012 they publish a bilingual magazine for youngsters (7 to 12) “Couscous Belban!”

Thanks and good luck!


Economist and historian, director of the Center LIBREXPRESSION, Foundation Giuseppe di Vagno

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