Partners are organizations (Italians, from other EU countries or from Countries in the framework of the EU Neighbourhood policy) sharing the same philosophy and objectives than the Centre LIBREXPRESSION and willing to participate to international or national projects developed by the Centre, for which an international financing will be requested from International organizations or Institution (private or public)
Who can be a partner?
* The partners of the Centre will have to be legal entities (i.e. with a legal status, officially registered with the fiscal and legal authorities of its country, accordingly to its practices): associations, foundations, research centres, publishers, media, cultural centres, academia, museums, etc.
* Other Partners could be blogs or other forms of associations not having a legal status (as define above), but are active on the social media or have internet sites. Nevertheless, they will not be able to participate to projects financed by International Organization or Institutions
* The partners must share the objectives, the philosophy and the ethics of the Centre.
The role of the partners
1- All partners
– Must formally agree to collaborate to the Centre’s activities, precising which kind of activities interest them (advertising activity, collaboration, participation to projects or others)
– They will be able to contribute to and to use the Centre’s resources,
– They will be asked to promote the common activities;
– Partners’ activities will be promoted by the Centre. They will be mentioned in the advertising documents of the Centre
– Partners will be regularly informed of the Centre’s activities.
2 – Partner with legal status
– Partners must agree to be potentially implicated and/or associated with the Centre in the development of specific activities (to be discussed and co-defined) and in the funding requests to realize them to sponsors or European or international institutions.
* If a partner wants to be involved in a specific project, its participation will need a formal agreement between the Centre and the Partner(s).
* The partnership includes the right:
– To co-decide or suggest the involvement of other partners in the undertaken project;
– To discuss the content and direction of the project;
– And, of course, to receive a retribution proportional to the activity carried out or to be carried out in these specific projects.
Partner (al 31 October 2018)
– Buduàr Almanacco dell’Arte leggera (IT – Torino), revue on-line de satire graphique et d’humour: www.buduà ;
– Cartoon Home Network International, (Norvegia) Page FB dédiée aux dessins satiriques d’un réseau mondial de dessinateurs.
– Cartoon Movement (Nl- Amsterdam), plateforme cooperative globale per dessins de presse et journalisme graphique:
– Confronti (IT – Roma), Revue mensuelle oecumenique de dialogue, de foi et de politique. Collaborent des chrétiens de diverses confessions, ebreux, musulmans, bouddhistes, induistes e laïques intéressés au monde des croyances religieuses.
– Coin d’Art a.s.b.l. (BEL-Bruxelles), Onlus, specialisée dans l’initation à l’expression artistique (calligraphie, caricature, dessin, graphisme) ouverte à un public intergenerationel e interculturel.
– Editrice Il Sirente (IT – Roma), Editeur de la collection ‘Altriarabi’, dediée au monde arabe contemporain et dirigé par Chiarastella Campanelli; de ‘Altriarabi Migrante’ spécialiséevers la jeune littérature européenne d’origine giovane arabe, selectioné par Europe Creative pour un projet biennal de traduction littéraire.
– Editrice Il Pennino (IT – Torino), Societé specialisée dans l’organisation d’expositions et l’edition de livres liés à l’humour et à la satire.
– France Cartoon (France) – Association française de dessinateurs de presse
– NY TID (The Modern Times Review (Nor – Oslo), mensuel d’information politique et culturelle publié en norvegien et en anglais
– Studio d’Arte Andromeda (Trento-Italie), association de formation artistique sous toutes formes d’expression artistique. Privilegie le language satirique, forme de communication qui stimule l’intellect et va droit au coeur.
– Union of World Cartoonists (Turchia), plateforme web de dessin internationale ,
– United Sketches (FR- Caen) Associatione internationale pour la liberté d’expression et pour la promotion de dessinateurs en exil. Basée en Normandie (Fr) auprès du Mémorial de Caen. Dispose d’un network d’ “ambassadeurs” dans de nombreux pays.
– (Ue – Bruxelles-Paris), site d’acttualité et de discussions sur les questions européennes en dix langues. Editorialement e financièrement indépendant, VoxEurop est géré par une association sans but lucratif.