
Public Conferences:

1 – In the framework of the Conference “The Adriatic and the Great War: Borders, Memories and Insights”, organized by Fondazione Di Vagno and the University of Bari.

– “The Great War, Literature, Information, Propaganda and Satire,” with Pasquale Guaragnella, Alberto Toscano and Thierry Vissol, Wednesday, June 21, 2017.

2- Within the “Festival Lector in Fabula 2017” of the Fondazione Di Vagno (14-17 September 2017)

– “Freedom of Expression and Democracy in the Mediterranean” with: Claudio Cappon, Marianne Catzaras, Khalid Gueddar and Thierry Vissol. Saturday, September 16;

– “America Today: This Modern World“, with the American editorialist Tom Tomorrow and Gianpiero Gramaglia, Carlo Gubitosa. Sunday 17th September. Organized in collaboration with IAI and International.

3 – In the framework of the festival “Internazionale at Ferrara 2017” (29-30 September / 1 October).

– “Forbidden to be offended, political satire and freedom of expression” with Tom Tomorrow (USA), Ramses Morales Izquierdo (Cuba), Ismail Dogan (Turkey) and Thierry Vissol. Friday, September 29.

– “Freedom of expression in Europe and Turkey” with Ismail Dogan and Thierry Vissol. Saturday, September 30, co-organized by the City of Portomaggiore, for high school students.

4 – For the inauguration of the exhibition: A colpi di matita, la grande guerra nella caricaturaorganized by the Military Museum (MUSMI) of Catanzaro (Calabria), 24 ottobre 2017.

– “Prima guerra mondiale: Censura e propaganda, la creazione dell’odio e del nemico interno in satirical reviews” Conference by Thierry Vissol

Workshops for students

1- Within the “Festival Lector in Fabula 2017” of the Fondazione Di Vagno (14-17 September 2017) .-

– “Satire in Italy” with Gianfranco UBER and Gian Paolo Accardo – Thursday 14 September;

– “Revolution was postponed due to rain or the use of political satire“, with Carl Henrik Frediksson, Thierry Vissol and Ilaria Guidantoni – Friday, September 15;

– “Satire in the USA” with Tom Tomorrow and Carlo Gubitosa – Saturday 16 September.

Three workshops with high school students and students of the Bari Fine Arts Academy

2- In the festival “Internazionale at Ferrara 2017” (29-30 September / 1 October).

– “The art of satire” series of 3 workshops for students at the University of Ferrara on September 29 and 30, October 1, 10: 00-13: 00. With Tom Tomorrow and Carlo Gubitosa.