Tunisia blows hot and cold on freedom of expression

Unions of Tunisian imams lose their case against the Shams Association for the Defense of Homosexuals The court of first instance of Tunis rejected on January 15th  the request of the Trade Union Council of Iman (CSNI) to stop of the broadcast of the webradio Shams Rad, created in December 2016 by the association Shams, […]

Tunisia: Threats on freedom of press

I reproduce a worrying news published by the press agency AnsaMed on new threats to freedom of the press in Tunisia. Our correspondent in Tunisia, Ilaria Guidantoni, will keep us informed about the evolution of the situation. A situation already reported, in May 2017, by Reporters Without Boarders and numerous other NGOs because the government […]

Tunisia torn between protesters and hooligans

Photo: © Nacer Talel pour HuffPost Maghreb The facts: AFP- While sporadic peaceful protests began last week in the country, the protests escalated into riots on the night of Monday, January 8 to Tuesday, January 9, when clashes erupted after a man’s death during a protest. During the following night, 49 police officers were injured and 206 […]


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