A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway 2018

A Colorful Human World! “It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair“, Dickens wrote. Words, we recognize only too well. Or rather, we instantly recognize the despair, seeing it in the eye of refugees, who travel across the sea in spite of the danger, because staying would be infinitely more dangerous. […]

Selected Cartoonists for the “Prix Mémorial” 2018 – United Sketches

On September, 11 – United Sketches (the International Association for Freedom of expression and Cartoonists in exile created and headed by Kianoush Ramezani) and the “The Caen Memorial museum” launched an International Cartoon Competition on the theme “Defending Human Rights” (Prix Mémorial). The International jury and the jury of “Prix Siné” chose the 30 best […]

International Cartoon Awards for Human Rights [Prix Mémorial]

This cartoon competition on the theme “Defending human rights” was organized by our partner United Sketches headed by the Iranian political refugee Kianoush, sponsored by the Memorial de Caen (France). The competition was open from 11 september to 30 November 2017. So it is too late to participate. But it will be very interesting to […]

International Cartoon Competition & Exhibition: The Art of Resistance

Cartoon Movement is inviting cartoonists from around the globe to send in their work for a new international cartoon competition and exhibition with the theme resistance. “What would you do?” – may be the most asked question when we talk about oppression and resistance during World War II. Many of us wonder: what would I […]


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