LIBEX-2018 Prizes ceremony

Winners and Jury. From the left: Cristiana Castellotti (member of the jury, journalist RAI-Radio3), Piero Ricci (member of the jury, journalist La Repubblica, president of the journalist order of Puglia), Aldo Patruno (director Culture, region Puglia), Gianvito Mastroleo, president of the Fondation Di Vagno), Thierry Vissol (director of LIBREXPRESSION and president of the jury), Nikola Listes (first prize), Marco De Angelis (cartoonist, member of the Jury), Fabio Magnasciutti (cartoonist, member of the jury), Fadi TOON (third prize), Emanuele Del Rosso (second prize), Gianpaolo Accardo (member the jury, journalist, director of

On Sunday 16th of September, Piazetta Struzo in Conversano (BA) was organised the Prize-ceremony  for the three winners of the Competition LIBEX-2018 on the theme “Imagination and power in the digital era“. A very nice public event, in presence of the jury, the Lord Mayor of Conversano, Pasquale Loiacono, the president of the Italian Journalists Association, Raffaele Lorusso, the director Culture of the Puglia region, Aldo Patruno, the president of the Fondation Giuseppe Di Vagno, Gianvito Matroleo and the general Secretary of the Foundation and director of the Festival LectorInFabula-2018, Filippo Gianuzzi.

The three winners are:

First prize: Nikola Listes (Croazia) with the cartoon “Nuova Odissea“(new odissey). Nikola is a press cartoonist who won many international competitions. He publishes his cartoons in many international newspapers and magazines like: Playboy, West Australian, heideheimer Neue Press, Die Bricke, etc.

Second Prize: Emanuele Del Rosso (Italy) with the cartoon “Odio moderno” (modern hate). New comer in the satirical cartoons’world Emanuele, graduated in Litterature and International journalism, pubblishes his cartons in various journals since 2016 and has exhibited his work in various cities as Paris, Ramallah e Trento.

Terzo premio: Fadi Abou Hassan – Fadi Toon (Norvegia) with the cartoon “Facebook standipanni”. Norvegian of sirian-Palestinian origin, he left Siria in 2011 and was accepted as political refugee in Norvegia in 2013, then received the Norvegian citizenship. Free-lance cartoonist, winner of many competition, Fadi is director of Cartoon Home Network International and activist, he defends human rights, equality between men and women and fight  violence in Syria.

Congratulations to all three!

#LinF18 has also been an occasion to meet many other cartoonists participating to the festival and to discover the rich culinary culture of Puglia.

We shall pursue the story of this festival which proposed many events, workshops and an exhibition dedicated to freedom of expression and political satire.


Economist and historian, director of the Center LIBREXPRESSION, Foundation Giuseppe di Vagno

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