Leave no one behind – some of the best cartoons

Our friend Fadi Toon, chief editor of the Facebook page “Cartoon Home Network International” had the idea to launch a virtual exhibition to sostain blind people. An initiative backed by Libex and the center LIBREXPRESSION.  In fact, as the deadline was postponed,  at the end 156 cartoonists did participate, coming from 45 different countries and […]

“A Wonderful Human World” Competition – first selection

“A Wonderful Human World” competition (see Libex of 23rd of January) is now closed and the Jury will have the very difficult task to select the best cartoons in a brunch of stupendous ones. Members of Jury for the International Cartoon Contest & Exhibit in Norway dubbed as A Wonderful Human World has been announced on […]

A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway 2018

A Colorful Human World! “It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair“, Dickens wrote. Words, we recognize only too well. Or rather, we instantly recognize the despair, seeing it in the eye of refugees, who travel across the sea in spite of the danger, because staying would be infinitely more dangerous. […]


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