This cartoon competition on the theme “Defending human rights” was organized by our partner United Sketches headed by the Iranian political refugee Kianoush, sponsored by the Memorial de Caen (France). The competition was open from 11 september to 30 November 2017. So it is too late to participate. But it will be very interesting to see the results, with an international Jury:
Awards are important:
- Mémorial de Caen award: 3000€
- Siné award: 1000€ [in the memory of Siné – The great French cartoonist and founder of Siné Mensuel magazine]
- People‘s choice award: 1000€
- Young citizen award :1000€ [an special award by United Sketches]
Award winners will be officially announced at the Speeches for the Defence competition which will take place from Friday 26 January to Sunday 28 January 2018 and the selected nominees will see their cartoon published on the Internet and the social media In January 2018
Jury – Prix international du dessin de presse
LIBREXPRESSION will also publish the results.