Erdogan, strike again the press and cartoonists

14 Cumhuriyet staff emprisoned on terrorism charges From Reuters,  Thursday, April 26, 2018 Turkish cartoonist Musa Kart, along with 13 others, was sentenced to jail today, the culmination of a long sham trial resulting from a crackdown on political opponents by Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan in response to a failed coup attempt in November of 2016. A […]

Spanish Church regrets the inquisition times

The Santiago’s Church organizes an “apology” to the Apostle James to protest against the opening of the Carnival of Santiago. The Archdiocese and the local People’s Party protested against the opening speech of the carnival of the city, given by actor Carlos Santiago, making a parody of St. James and ofthe “Virgen del Pilar”. On […]

Turkey, once again, fight against freedom of press

  Libex publish the Reporter Without Boarders communiqué, condividing fully the content: Turkish court sentences three journalists to life imprisonment Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is appalled by the sentences of life imprisonment with no possibility of a pardon that an Istanbul court passed on three well-known journalists today, in what has been a terrible day […]

Valentine’s day and freedom of expression

Of Roman origin, linked to ritual practices related to the cycle of nature, to the celebration of purification and fertility, the lupercalia, celebrated between the 13th and the 15th of February, was banned by the Catholic church in 494 and replaced by two other feasts, one to celebrate the purification (candlemas) and the other to […]

Kianoush, award-winner in Angoulême Festival

KIANOUSH (KIANOUSH RAMEZANI), member of the Scientific Council of the LIBREXPRESSION Centre, has received the prize of artistic courage, entitled “Couilles au Cul 2018” (French vulgar expression to qualify a person with great courage) prize of the Angoulême comic book festival. A provocative title for a prize for boldness and bravery. The organizers of this […]

Advertising, religion and freedom of expression

In its judgement of the case Sekmadienitis Ltd v. Lithuania (n ° 69317/14), of 31 January 2018, The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), unanimously decided, that Lithuania had violated article 10 (right to freedom of expression) of the European Convention of Human rights. It provoked negative reaction in Italy, specifically from the LEGA, which […]

From Carmen murdered to Carmen murderess

Carmen revised and corrected at the Florence Opera (January 2018) In their version of Bizet’s work, director Leo Muscato and Florenc’s theater Dario Nardella decided to spare Carmen, making her the murderer of Don José. According to them, it is a “cultural, social and ethical message, which denounces violence against women, increased in Italy. A […]


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